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TripMasters post a review score for all of our hotels. The higher the score assigned to the hotel, the better the quality of reviews, thus a hotel with an 89 score, will most likely be much better than a hotel with a score of 75.

TripMasters pre-selects the hotels that we offer in each city. We strive to offer the best available according to reviews and location. Keep in mind that in smaller cities or towns that do not have a large variety of hotels, we may need to offer hotels with lower scores in order to be able to have sustainable availability.

It is well worth the time spent to read the summary of reviews on a selected property.The more you research ahead of time, the more satisfied that you will be during your trip. But do keep in mind that some hotels provoke polarized reviews. A lot of this depends on the kind of room that you end up with, and remember that if you choose the more economical options of a standard room or Economy Room, it will most likely be smaller and in a more disadvantageous location than a Superior or Deluxe Room would be. It is, also, largely subjective - due to expectations, age, social background… if you`re used to 4 or 5 star hotels and suddenly end up in a 3-star, you may not be prepared to deal with the level of comfort or service.

Take both overly negative and overly positive reviews with a grain of salt. The truth lies usually somewhere in the middle. Try to spot `trends` in the reviews to determine where the negativity (or positive mentions) come from.